California Fire Technology Directors Association
Approved 10/30/2020
Article I – Statewide Organization
Article II – Membership Classification
A. Regular Membership
B. Institutional Member
C. Associate Membership
D. Professional Membership
E. Honorary Membership
F. Approval of Membership
G. Fiscal Year
H. Membership Dues
Article III – Voting Rights
A. Voting Members: All regular and institutional members are entitled to vote on all matters brought before the membership for such purpose.
B. Non-Voting Members: All associate, professional and honorary members are not entitled to vote.
C. Voting Method: At the discretion of the President, a voice or ballot vote may be taken.
D. Remote Meeting Voting: In the event a meeting is conducted remotely (I.E. ZOOM), the President may conduct a voice or roll call vote for any matters brought before the membership.
Article IV – Meetings
A. Quarterly Meetings: Meetings shall be held each quarter culminating with the annual meeting in November. Meeting dates may be changed as deemed necessary by the president with ample notification to each member by email and posted on the web site.
B. Annual Meeting There shall be an annual meeting each November for the purposes of holding elections and setting the calendar for the following year.
C. Special Meetings: Special meetings of the association may be called by the Board of Director’s at their discretion.
D. Committee Meetings: Committee chairpersons may call meetings of their respective committees at the chairperson’s discretion.
E. Agenda: The agenda for each meeting will be set by the President and distributed to the membership at least one week prior to the meeting date. At a minimum, the agenda shall include the following items when applicable:
F. Board Meetings: Meetings of the Board of Directors may be called when deemed necessary by the President.
Article V – Association Officers
A. Board of Directors: The officers of the association shall be the Board of Directors and shall include the following positions: President, Vice President, Immediate Past President, Secretary and Treasurer.
B. Eligibility to Hold Office: Only voting members in good standing are eligible to serve on the Board of Directors. Persons holding any non-voting class of membership are eligible for appointment and to serve as chairpersons or members of all standing and ad hoc committees
C. Replacement of Officers: When any officer is unable to serve, for any cause, the President, subject to advice and consent of the Board, may appoint any voting member in good standing to fill the un-expired term of office.
Article VI – Duties of Officers
A. Board of Directors: It shall be the duty of the Board of Directors to exercise the powers of the Association, including conducting its day to day business and advancing the objectives, purpose and viability of the Association.
B. President
C. Vice-President: It shall be the duty of the Vice-President to assist the President in setting annual Association goals and activities, establish and arrange for meeting dates and sites and presiding over Association meetings in the absence of the President at his/her request.
D. Secretary: It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep minutes of all meetings of the Association and be the custodian of all non-financial records.
E. Treasurer: The Treasurer is responsible for the financial record keeping of the Association including the annual notification and collection of dues, and quarterly reporting of expenses and revenues.
Article VII – Election of Officers
A. Terms of Office: The term of all offices of the Association shall be for a period of two years or until successors are elected and installed. Officers may serve consecutive terms with the approval of the membership.
B. Election. Association officers shall be nominated and voted on at the November meeting. Members making nominations need not be present at the meeting. A candidate shall be deemed elected by a simple majority of voting members present. Elected officers shall be installed at the first meeting of the year. Election of officers should be conducted so as to provide continuity and succession of officers to meet the needs of the association.
C. Election Results. Election results will be announced after the election at the November meeting and entered into the record in the meeting minutes.
D. Contested Elections. Anyone wishing to contest the election results shall submit a written and signed statement to the Board of Directors, stating the reason for the challenge at or before the first meeting following the election. The Board shall consider the validity of the challenge and render a decision prior to the adjournment of the meeting. The Board’s decision shall be final in all such matters.
Article VIII – Amendments to By-Laws
A. Proposed Changes. Proposed changes to the By-Laws may originate from the Board of Directors or from any member.
B. Board Approval. All proposed changes or amendments to the By-Laws must be approved for presentation to the general membership by the Board of Directors in advance of a vote by the general membership.
C. Requirements. Amendments of the By-Laws shall be approved by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of those voting members present, provided that notification of the proposed amendment has been distributed to the membership at least fifteen (15) days prior to the meeting.
D. Ballot. The By-Laws may be amended at any time by mail or email when deemed advisable by the Board, by mailing a printed copy or emailing of the proposed amendment(s), including arguments pro and con if any, to every voting member.
Article IX – Association Revenue & expenditures:
A. Revenue: The revenue of the Association shall be derived from Board approved fundraising activities, dues paid by the membership, conference exhibitor fees, collaborative grants, gifts, bequests, and donations approved by the Board of Directors.
B. Expenditures: The Board is responsible for the fiscal management and accounting of the general funds of the association.
Article X – Quorum
A. Board Quorum. A quorum for the transaction of business at all meetings of the Board shall be a simple majority of the total number of Directors on the Board.
B. General Meeting Quorum. A quorum for the transaction of business at all general meetings shall be the number of voting members present.
Article XI – External Association Assignments- External committee assignments will be appointed during regular business meetings of the of the Association and approved by a simple majority of members present. Travel and per diem for committee assignments will be assumed by the appointee unless approved in advance by a simple majority of members present. Interim assignments can be appointed by the president as needed for the best interest of the Association.
Article XII – Parliamentary Procedures
A. Roberts Rules of Order. Robert’s Rules of Order shall be the rules of the Association, except as otherwise provided in these by-laws.