October 9 STEAC Meeting Notes




Notes from the October 9 2020 STEAC meeting have been posted for your review. Those items of particular interest to the membership have been highlighted in yellow and include:

  • Addition of Jones and Bartlett’s Wildland Firefighter Principles and Practices as an approved textbook to the FFIC Course Plan (along with the previously approved Bill Ties’ IFSTA text.
  • Waiving the AS Degree requirement for the Chief Officer Cert. for 2 years providing candidates meet one of the 4 options identified in the SFT report. This was the meetings most controversial topic with it originally proposed for 4 years with the TO’s & CFTDA advocating reducing to 2 years. After a spirited discussion, it narrowly passed with the two year provision.
  • A confirmation from Chief Henning that the new fee schedule will go into effect Jan 1, 2021
  • A presentation from Dr. Tunson on the Transformational Organizational Model, Bridging the Racial Divide  that he presented to us at our last Zoom meeting. The item has been agendized for the Jan STEAC meeting.


If you have specific questions regarding the meeting, feel free to contact Randy Collins at [email protected]