There are two types of Accredited Academies; Accredited Regional Training Programs (ARTP) and Accredited Local Academies (ALA). An Accredited Regional Training Program (ARTP) is defined as a partnership between an accredited community college or university and the Office of the State Fire Marshal (OSFM) to deliver an approved State Fire Training (SFT) curriculum within a given region. An Accredited Local Academy (ALA) is defined as a partnership between a fire agency serving a specific authority having jurisdiction and the Office of the State Fire Marshal (OSFM) to deliver approved State Fire Training (SFT) curriculum within a given region.
Allan Hancock College
1 Hancock Drive
Lompoc, CA 93436
(805) 735-3366
State Fire Training Accredited Regional Academy
American River College
*Affiliated w/CA Fire & Rescue Training Authority
5146 Arnold Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95652
(916) 570-5009
State Fire Training Accredited Regional Academy
Antelope Valley College
3041 West Avenue K
Lancaster, CA 93536-5426
(760) 567-1161
State Fire Training Accredited Regional Academy
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