Good morning CFTDA!

Just a friendly reminder that the deadline for membership dues is coming up on April 1st! For those that have paid thank you very much! For those that have not yet paid, please contact Scott Jaeggi to ensure you are up-to-date. We know that if your school is paying for you it may take time.

Additionally, each school should have received your survey link for the Fire Technology side, we are working on the EMS-specific survey and that should be hitting your inboxes in early April. All surveys must be in before July 1st. This information is invaluable to our programs. If your school has not seen an email from either myself or Jeff Baumunk please let us know. Again, thank you very much to those who have already completed them.

Have a great weekend!

Very Respectfully,

Peter Cacossa

From Kris Hubbard,

Our college is interviewing to establish a hiring list for adjuncts this fall. Interviews will be in the first part of May. Please see the link below.

LRCCD Job Site _ Fire Technology Adjunct Assistant Professor

[email protected]

Kris Hubbard

Fire Technology – Coordinator

Emergency Services Department Chair

Office: (916) 691-7769

From Darren Hall,

We are looking into the potential to hire a Fire Academy Coordinator. We are looking for any programs that have a job description, hiring information, responsibilities. Please email to [email protected] andDarer [email protected]

Thank you!

Thought this report on electric vehicle emergencies would of interest to you for your fire academies during extrication.,


Faculty / EMT Program Director

Rio Hondo College Fire Academy

11400 Greenstone Avenue

Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670

[email protected]

Good afternoon everyone!

We just wanted to give everyone a heads up. Jeff Baumunk and I will be sending out the electronic course catalog survey here shortly.  It will be on Microsoft Forms and fairly easy to complete in 10-15 minutes. It will go to one designee per school so there will not be any duplication of work if you want to let us know who that designee will be you can let Jeff or I know. As a heads up, there will be a second survey going out for the EMS side as well. Here is the breakout of schools between the two of us:


  1. Allan Hancock College                                                                               11. Palomar College
  2. Bakersfield College                                                                                     12. Rio Hondo College
  3. College of the Desert                                                                                  13. San Diego Miramar College
  4. Crafton Hills Community College                                                           14. Santa Ana College
  5. El Camino College                                                                                      15. Sierra College
  6. Glendale Community College/Verdugo Fire Academy                      16. Solano Community College
  7. Imperial Valley College                                                                             17. South Bay Regional Public Safety
  8. Moreno Valley College/Ben Clark Training                                          18. Southwestern College
  9. Mt. San Antonio College                                                                           19. Victor Valley College
  10. Oxnard College                                                                                           20. Yuba College



  1. American River College                                                                             11. Las Poistas College
  2. Butte Community College                                                                         12. Los Medanos Community College
  3. Chabot Community College                                                                      13. Merritt College
  4. City College of San Francisco                                                                   14. Modesto Jr. College
  5. College of the Sequoias                                                                              15. Monterey Peninsula College
  6. College of the Siskiyous                                                                             16. Porterville Community College
  7. Columbia College                                                                                        17. San Mateo College
  8. Cosumnes River College                                                                            18. Santa Rosa Junior College
  9. Fresno City College                                                                                     19. Shasta Community College
  10. Lake Tahoe Community College

From Caryn,

State Fire Training has expanded the provision to skill simulation on Certification Exam to Fire Fighter 2 (2019) for the following Random Skills:

  • Skill 3-1: Extinguish an Ignitable Liquid Fire
  • Skill 3-2: Control a Flammable Gas Cylinder Fire
  • Skill 4-1: Extricate a Victim Entrapped in a Motor Vehicle

The Fire Fighter 2 (2019) Psychomotor Summary Sheet denoting this information may be viewed online:

These skills may be simulated only when a corresponding registered FSTEP course has been taught during the Fire Fighter 2A (2019) module. It is the responsibility of the host ARTP/ALA to verify FSTEP course completion by all Certification Exam candidates, including Alternate Delivery participants.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

State Fire Training will begin rollout delivery of the new Behavioral Health and Cancer Awareness(BHCA) FSTEP curriculum in Spring 2021. ARTPs interested in serving as hosts of the Instructor rollout of the course(s), should contact Caryn Petty, SFT Regional Coordinator, via email at [email protected].

Good afternoon everyone. I am looking through all of our media files on our page. We only have 7 academy logos and if you have a specific post (job, survey, etc.) I would like to add your logo to the post and email. Right now I have FCC, Sierra, Moreno Valley, Oxnard (do you have new ones?), Mt. San Antonio, Allan Hancock, Santa Anna. Please send them to [email protected] so I can upload them. Thank you!

Ray Mosack asked for these to be posted. Please distribute to those that may be interested. Please continue to send us your announcements!

Mt San Antonio College 

Assistant Director, Public Safety Programs

Mt San Antonio College 

Professor Fire Technology