Caryn Petty sent us a great MAYDAY video from Glendale Fire Department and is really well put together. It would be good to use for RIC Ops or FFS.

To Interested Parties:

The Office of the State Fire Marshal – State Fire Training has scheduled a stakeholder meeting for February 16, 2021, at 1:30 pm regarding proposed modifications to the California Code of Regulations, Title 19, Division 1, Chapter 13, related to State Fire Training – 2021 Procedures Manual updates. Meeting information can be found on the Stakeholder Meeting Bulletin.

The meeting info is embedded in the hyperlink.

Very Respectfully,

Peter Cacossa

In an effort to determine the effectiveness of the COVID protocols implemented by ARTP’s in their fire programs, the CFTDA E-Board surveyed their membership in November to solicit their feedback. You will find a report on these responses enclosed. If you have any questions regarding its findings, feel free to contact CFTDA Secretary Randy Collins at: [email protected]

SFT Distance Education Application FINAL (2021)

Good morning CFTDA,

Caryn Petty sent me the updated application for distance education approvals and wanted to get it posted to the website.

Very Respectfully,

Peter Cacossa

Please see the attachments for information regarding San Diego Miramar College’s Company Officer 2B and 2C courses.

The amendments to the CFTDA By Law’s presented at the September Zoom meeting were approved unanimously at our Oct 30 Zoom. A copy of the new By-Law’s can be found in the “About Us” section of the website. Thanks to Gail Warner and Randy Collins for making the changes and shepherding them through the adoption process.

2021 Membership dues are due January 1, 2021. If your institution pays your dues, please submit your purchase order requests early to get the process started. If paying by Zelle, please use the attached instructions.

For assistance, please contact Scott Jaeggi at:

562-941-4082 ext. 33

[email protected]

Click the link below to view the video:

Inside California Education | Sparking New Opportunities: Becoming Firefighters in Tahoe | Season 3 | Episode 10 | PBS