Meeting information for both Fire Tech Directors and the EMS meeting on Nov 7 & 8 is below:

Meeting location – MPC PSTC, 2642 Colonel Durham St, Seaside CA 93955 Room 119 (Upper building, no parking permits required)

(The Marriott is about a 10-15 minute drive away from the PSTC.)

Here is the room block info (apparently its a busy week for hotels in Monterey so it took a little longer to get the block finalized/approved):

Please click the following link:  link is open and ready to accept reservations.

If you wish to provide your guests with the option of phone reservations, please use the following dedicated Group Reservations phone numbers of 1-800-228-9290 in order to make sure guests are able to access special block rates and ensure they book within the event room block, they just need to mention they are with attending the “CA Fire Tech Directors” to receive the nightly group discounted rate of $184.00 single-quad occupancy.

Please note that as long as rooms are available in your group room block guests can reserve until your cut-off date of, October 16, 2024

–              Cancellation Policy: 48 hours prior to arrival by 4pm PST

–              Major credit card required to secure reservations. Deposit: NOT Required

Greg Greenlee

Fire Protection Technology Coordinator

Monterey Peninsula College Public Safety Training Center

Cell – 831-402-5473

[email protected]


As you heard at our last meeting in Coronado , the time has come to move forward with the creation of an OER (s) in Fire Tech. We will start with Fire 001 Principles of Fire and EMS (aka Fire Protection Organization). See below:
  • If you are interested in learning more about OERs and how you can contribute to our project, please fill out our OER Interest List Form here. I will do a targeted presentation on the next steps for all the interested parties before out next meeting in Monterrey. Everyone is welcome to attend and learn more about OER and the many benefits to the thousands of Fire Tech Students in the system.
  • It is my goal to have this OER completed by our next meeting in Coronado , next year. I believe that we can get this done with the amount of talent and brain power in our organization.
  • Thank you to Jason Hemler, Mark Swink, Pam Hutchinson and others who have volunteered to help us complete this project.
  • It will be useful for our Organization to become more familiar with OER (Online Educational Resources) and the many sources of funding available. OERI Online Educational Resources Initiative webpage
  • I am looking for some funding from Sierra College, it appears that the priority is for Degrees and Certificates programs that are converting all their publishers Textbooks into OERs by 2026-2027. Fire Tech is behind this, and we may not qualify for the main grants , however, I am seeking alternatives at this time.
Thank you all for your support over the years.
German SierraSierra College Fire Technology
Click to go to : OER Workgroup Page

From Chief Petty!

SFT has published a video for Course Invoicing and it is now available on the Course Delivery webpage or can be accessed directly at:

Hope this helps.

Good morning,

SFT has published a video for Course Invoicing and it is now available on the Course Delivery webpage or can be accessed directly at:

Hope this helps.


Description automatically generated

Caryn R. Petty

Statewide Academy Coordinator

State Fire Training

715 P St., Sacramento, CA. 95814

(916) 662-0611 Office/Mobile


MSDS Sound Board.pdf




*Rooming Details* Coronado Island Marriott Resort & Spa:

  1. CFTDA Meeting Agenda San Diego Miramar College Sept. 5 2024.docx
  2. 2000 Second Street | Coronado, CA 92118
  3. Guests may use the link below to make their reservations up until Wednesday, August 7, 2024
  4. Special booking link to share with your guests:  Book Your Group/Corporate Rate | Marriott International 
    1. If that link does not work try this one: Book your group rate for CFTDA
  5. If the link is not working you can call the Group Reservation Desk number on your website: 1-888-236-2427 this desk is open 24/7. Reference “California Fire Technology Directors Association (CFTDA) Quarterly Meeting Sep2024″
  6. We have it set up as each individual to pay for their own room and tax.
  7. If you have any issues or questions that the reservation desk can not answer, please contact:
    1. Grace Warner; Group Housing Supervisor; Coronado Island Marriott Resort & Spa; 2000 Second Street | Coronado, CA 92118; Phone: (619) 522-3071 direct line; [email protected] |

Cosumnes River College


Fire Technology Assistant Professor (60%) /Fire Technology Program Coordinator (40%)

Job Posting Number: F01491P

Salary: $53,855 to $101,638 per year. Additional earnings may be available for summer, overload, and stipends. LRCCD Salary Schedules

Additional Salary Information

Initial annual salary within a given range varies, depending upon units/degrees completed at accredited institutions and experience. Candidates not holding the minimum degree requirement may start at a salary lower than posted above.

Closing Date: 02/21/2024


Complete job description and application available online at:


Position Summary

The faculty member shall be responsible for the following: coordination of instructional programs and/or teaching assigned classes under the supervision of the area dean; helping students fulfill their maximum potential in mastering course content; assessing student learning and program outcomes; maintaining a thorough and current knowledge in their regular teaching field; continuing professional development; utilizing current technology in the performance of job duties; maintaining standards of professional conduct and ethics appropriate to the professional position; assisting with articulation and curriculum development and review; serving on college committees and participating in faculty governance including accreditation and student co-curricular activities; assuming other responsibilities as assigned by the area dean; fulfilling other duties and responsibilities of a full-time faculty member.


The assignment percentage between these two roles may be adjusted based on student, department, and program needs.


The college has an MOU with Cosumnes CSD Fire District that only allows CSD employees who have been hired by Los Rios to teach the Fire Technology (FT) 210 internship course. If the successful candidate is not a CSD employee, an instructional load will be created with other FT courses.


Under the direction of the Dean of Health and Suman Services, the Fire Technology Assistant Professor/Coordinator will: supervise the internship site; maintain certification requirements; develop and maintain agency agreements with affiliated fire service agencies; develop, revise, and align curriculum with Fire and Emergency Services Higher Education (FESHE) standards; and assist with program marketing and recruitment.


The department maintains a focus on:

Integrating industry experience with classroom teaching experience to meet the needs of a diverse student population. CRC’s student population consists of traditional students, re-entry, mid-career changing students, employed fire fighters, and international students with varying needs with regard to instruction and mentoring.


Position Salary Information:

Initial maximum salary placement is based on academic degree, upper/graduate level units earned, and/or related professional occupational experience per the Los Rios College Federation of Teachers Contract (the initial maximum placement is Class V, Step 8). For more information on the step placement process, please click here.



As a Los Rios employee, you have access to a comprehensive, competitive benefits package that offers you the flexibility and security to thrive both inside and outside of work. Check out the benefits guide for complete information.


Assignment Responsibilities


The instructional assignment may include, but is not limited to, teaching courses in all levels of Fire Science and Technology at the college including:

  • Maintaining a robust Fire Technology Advisory Board to assure the curriculum meets the needs of the industry, certification, and the community.
  • Collaborating with the regional fire service agencies and other college programs on fire technology academic and career pathways.
  • Coordinating with other Fire Technology adjunct faculty in the college system on class schedules, student learning outcomes, and program assessment.
  • Utilizing technology including computers, computer software, internet, email, virtual reality and multi-media equipment to support instruction and communication.
  • Assessing student course success, student learning outcomes and completing program review.
  • Remaining current in the subject area and in the techniques of effective instruction.
  • Participating in department and division meetings.


The fire technology coordinator duties may include, but are not limited to:

  • Coordinating with the work experience/internship program coordinator and instructor on work-based learning and maintaining required documentation and student records for the Fire Technology Internship Program.
  • Administering program budgets, equipment, and supplies with the ability to forecast Fire Technology department needs and establishing departmental goals and objectives.
  • Participating in professional organizations and activities.
  • Performing other duties as assigned.


Minimum Qualifications


Any bachelor’s degree or higher and two years of professional experience; OR any associate degree and six years of professional experience; OR the equivalent*. Professional experience must be directly related to the assignment being taught. All degrees must be from an accredited institution completed by July 1, 2024.

Have an equity-minded focus, responsiveness, and sensitivity to and understanding of the diverse academic, socioeconomic, cultural, disability, gender identity, sexual orientation, and ethnic backgrounds of community college students, including those with physical or learning disabilities as it relates to differences in learning styles; and successfully foster and support an inclusive educational and employment environment.