1. Ability to effectively and enthusiastically teach Fire Service Technology courses, including, but not limited to: State Fire Marshall accredited courses leading to State and National Certification, the Basic Firefighter Academy and Wildland Firefighting, Fire Protection Organization, Fire Service Operations, Firefighter Safety and Survival, Fire Behavior and Combustion, Fire Prevention Technology, Fire Equipment and Systems, Fundamentals of Building Construction and Fire Protection, Hazardous Material, Fire Command Services, Fire Prevention, Fire Investigations, Fire Instructor.
2. Ability to design and implement innovative teaching methodologies in the above mentioned curriculum.
3. Demonstrated knowledge of current state and national curriculum and accreditation standards for course and program development and instruction.
4. Demonstrated knowledge of methods of instruction, testing, and assessment of students.
5. Participate in campus professional activities, which include, but are not limited to: committee membership, curriculum development, staff meetings, and community outreach.
6. Ability to contribute to the total operation of the instructional program including fulfilling Department, Division, and College responsibilities as well as within the community and the District.
7. Ability to communicate effectively in oral and written form.
8. Ability to adapt instructional techniques to accommodate varied learning styles, and utilize a variety of teaching modalities including distance and hybrid learning.
9. Ability to seek and support professional growth and demonstrate career objectives consistent with the mission of Las Positas College.
10. Availability to teach morning, afternoon, evening, weekend, distance learning, and/or off-campus classes when scheduled as part of the regular teaching assignment, to teach outdoors and in sometimes inclement conditions, as well as the ability to effectively demonstrate operational firefighting techniques.
11. Ability to seek and support professional growth and demonstrate career objectives consistent with the mission of Las Positas College.
12. Evidence of a sensitivity to and an understanding of the diverse academic, socioeconomic, cultural, and ethnic backgrounds of community college students, including those with physical and learning disabilities.