Good afternoon all,
As many of your programs begin welcoming student learners back to your facilities, we all find ourselves amidst the ever-evolving pandemic and the flexibility of instructional delivery. State Fire Training has been keeping a close eye on emerging COVID restrictions statewide and wanted to extend the continued invitation for any preemptive Distance Education curriculum delivery. I will work with your program(s) to provide an expedited review of submission to alleviate some undue stress should your programs need to move to a Distance Education format.
Outline Example Letter:
Previously approved Outline and Supplemental Documentation may be resubmitted for processing and review – you need only update pertinent information, as appropriate (Instructors, course dates, instructional delivery methodology).
Let me know if you have any questions or need assistance. Be safe and be well.
Caryn R. Petty, MA, Deputy State Fire Marshal III/PM
State Fire Training, Academy Coordinator
The Office of the State Fire Marshal
PO Box 944246
Sacramento, CA 94244-2460
(916) 662-0611 mobile
“The Big 4 – Do your job / Treat people right / Give all out effort / Have an all in attitude”