Miramar College Fire Technology is hosting the RIO – Regional Instructor Orientation and CEET – Certification Exam Evaluator Training on July 6, 2021. (Both classes)   Please see Class Flyer Links below:

RIO – Regional Instructor Orientation

CEET – Certification Exam Evaluator Training

Hello all, we would like to share our new Stand Alone Fire Fighter I/II Certification Exam Course @ Oxnard College that will be offered Fall 2021. Please share this flyer with anyone who may be interested. Thank you

FF I.II State Cert. Flyer.pdf

New awards: Oxnard College Company Officer AS & COA starting Fall of 2021. Please share with anyone interested.


Good afternoon CFTDA,

Attached is a link to a module on Lithium-Ion Battery fires sent from Caryn Petty. She wanted it sent for the group.


Good morning again CFTDA! A message from Walt Holloway from the College of the Desert regarding MGT 314 “Enhanced All-Hazards Incident Management/Unified Command”

“The Enhanced Incident Management/Unified Command for All Hazards course focuses on incident management skills, staff responsibilities, and the related situational awareness skills using a computer-driven training simulation designed to create a challenging decision-making environment in an expanding complex incident.

The course focuses on the processes used in an Incident Command Post (ICP) and the key decision-making requirements within that response node. Command and coordination, resource management, and communications & information management are emphasized. Participants learn from the cause and effects of incident decisions while performing in an ICP and responding to a variety of simulated, notional exercises.

The course is delivered (resident) at the National Emergency Response and Recovery Training Center/Emergency Operations Training Center (NERRTC/EOTC) in College Station, Texas. The instructional team consists of coaches and mentors experienced in emergency management and incident response. The course uses a multi-disciplinary approach to accomplish the course objectives. Each participant is integrated into a unified command structure responding to a simulated incident. The course emphasizes the application of contemporary incident management systems, best practices and procedures to the unique requirements of responding to all-hazards incidents.

The incident management structure used in the course is based on National Incident Management System (NIMS) doctrine and the Incident Command System (ICS), and is certified by the Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA) National Training and Exercise Division (NTED).”

Walt Holloway, Division Chief – Retired

Public Safety Academy – Fire Training Coordinator

Phone: 951.331.9943

Email: [email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>

43500 Monterey Avenue  Palm Desert, CA 92260

Good afternoon CFTDA!

Many of you may already have this, but if you have not attached is the Porterville SART report from early 2020.


Teaching Opportunity Adjunct Faculty Member Oxnard College with focus on EMT

Oxnard College is in need of adjunct/part time faculty members to teach as part of their EMT program Fall of 2021 and Spring of 2022. If interesting please apply at the following link by April 30th:

Apply for the job

If you have any questions in regards to the program or position, feel free to call Matthew Jewett at 805-678-5307

Adjunct Faculty Member Oxnard College with focus on SFT Company Officer Courses

Oxnard College is in need of adjunct/part time faculty members to teach their new Company Officer A.A./A.S. Degree program Fall of 2021 and Spring of 2022. We have extended the deadline to May 31st. If interested please apply at the following link by May 31st:

Apply for the job

If you have any questions in regards to the courses or position, feel free to call Matthew Jewett at 805-678-5307


From Caryn,

State Fire Training has expanded the provision to skill simulation on Certification Exam to Fire Fighter 2 (2019) for the following Random Skills:

  • Skill 3-1: Extinguish an Ignitable Liquid Fire
  • Skill 3-2: Control a Flammable Gas Cylinder Fire
  • Skill 4-1: Extricate a Victim Entrapped in a Motor Vehicle

The Fire Fighter 2 (2019) Psychomotor Summary Sheet denoting this information may be viewed online: https://osfm.fire.ca.gov/media/10452/fire-fighter-2-psychomotor-exam-summary-sheet.pdf

These skills may be simulated only when a corresponding registered FSTEP course has been taught during the Fire Fighter 2A (2019) module. It is the responsibility of the host ARTP/ALA to verify FSTEP course completion by all Certification Exam candidates, including Alternate Delivery participants.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

State Fire Training will begin rollout delivery of the new Behavioral Health and Cancer Awareness(BHCA) FSTEP curriculum in Spring 2021. ARTPs interested in serving as hosts of the Instructor rollout of the course(s), should contact Caryn Petty, SFT Regional Coordinator, via email at [email protected].