Good afternoon,
I hope this finds you all well and safe.
CAL FIRE staff, at all levels of the organization, continue to monitor the impacts of COVID-19 on a daily basis to ensure that we are taking the proper precautions for our staff and State Fire Training stakeholders. This email serves to address some of the inquiries received regarding Fire Fighter Academy and course contingency amongst the Accredited Regional Training Programs (ARTPs) and Accredited Local Academies (ALAs) of California.
Last week, an email was sent to Matt Jewett, President of the California Fire Technology Directors Association (CFTDA), advising of the options that ARTPs have with distance learning. Additionally, an Informational Bulletin was drafted for SFT stakeholders, which will provide guidance on how SFT will support our students, academies, instructors, and host agencies while dealing with the challenges of COVID-19. Specifically, this document reminds stakeholders that only ARTPs and ALAs may deliver SFT courses through distance education (online and hybrid courses). This document has been attached here for your use and will be posted to the SFT website and sent to subscribers of SFT E-News. I have also attached the updated Electronic Delivery application for your use in transitioning courses to a distance learning format.
In light of current events, SFT will be considering approval of applicable Fire Fighter 1 and 2 Academy curriculum, as appropriate. The same standards of quality shall be applied to any portion of the course conducted electronically as are applied to traditional classroom courses.
IMPORTANT: Electronic Delivery requests may be submitted via email directly to Chief Fowler at [email protected] and please cc me on your emails, I will ensure its receipt and expedited processing (it is okay to forego the postal mailing address at this time).
Rest assured, should state services be halted, I will remain accessible via phone and email. My intent is ensure any changes are made with ease for you, the stakeholders of State Fire Training. I appreciate your patience and adaptability, and welcome your correspondence.
Take care and be safe,
Caryn R. Petty, Deputy State Fire Marshal/Paramedic
State Fire Training, Regional Coordinator
The Office of the State Fire Marshal
2251 Harvard Street, Suite 400
Sacramento, CA 95815
(916) 662-0611 mobile
[email protected]