Some good news:

SFT  has been actively working on getting approval to modify the skills delivery policy with IFSAC and Pro Board for about a year and this pandemic and SFT think’s they finally sealed the deal. SFT believe’s they are weeks away from having a formal approval to deliver all assigned skills to the Lead Evaluator at the time of approval; which would eliminate these types of auto generated emails. Once formalized, SFT will send all skills at the time of approval and 3 weeks before the module begins the Lead will share the skills with associated staff (just as before). So, this will be a small administrative change but significant for SFT in setting up and tracking who gets what exactly 3 weeks before and trying to manage date changes, etc. and SFT think’s this is helpful for the Lead Evaluator because they will have advance notice to what the skills will be.

Hi everyone,

I am trying to get a pole of how many academy students who will be impacted by COVID-19 state wide. Thank you for your time and help. This information will be critical as we lobby towards making changes at the state level.


Matthew Jewett

SEEK Scan Device that Oxnard College is currently using to assist with screening students

MES Contact to purchase the devices:

Mark Rotondo

[email protected]




The last sentence allows us to continue. I took this to mean skills training – small group maintaining 6 feet distance. I agree with your idea going forward with skills training and testing, small group format.

To that end, “effective Friday, March 13 through Tuesday, March 17, Santa Ana College and Santiago Canyon College will suspend all in-person and on-campus convening of classes and student support services.  Online and virtual instruction will begin Wednesday, March 18, 2020 through Friday, April 24, 2020. We recognize that not all classes and/or services can be moved to an online format. In these limited cases, some courses involving labs, studio instruction, career and technical education skills-based courses, performance classes, physical education and student support services may occur on campus.”

Thanks for the guidance and leadership.

Mike Busch


  1. Critical Infrastructure Sectors:
  2. Las Positas Confined Space Awareness, Hazmat & Wild land Applications: 
    1. 3. 4. 5.
    2. Fresno City College Course Outline for Content Delivered Electronically
  3. Las Positas approval from SFT
  4. COVID-19 Crew Change Health Questionnaire
  6. Monterrey Peninsula College Fire Academy Exemption
  7. IFSTA contact: John Konrad IFSTA / Fire Protection Publications Representative M,T,Th,F 8-6:30 EST[email protected]p 405-744-7701 c 310-625-7044CFTDA Zoom meeting playback:


8. Essential Workforce Doc

Good afternoon,

I hope this finds you all well and safe.

CAL FIRE staff, at all levels of the organization, continue to monitor the impacts of COVID-19 on a daily basis to ensure that we are taking the proper precautions for our staff and State Fire Training stakeholders. This email serves to address some of the inquiries received regarding Fire Fighter Academy and course contingency amongst the Accredited Regional Training Programs (ARTPs) and Accredited Local Academies (ALAs) of California.

Last week, an email was sent to Matt Jewett, President of the California Fire Technology Directors Association (CFTDA), advising of the options that ARTPs have with distance learning. Additionally, an Informational Bulletin was drafted for SFT stakeholders, which will provide guidance on how SFT will support our students, academies, instructors, and host agencies while dealing with the challenges of COVID-19. Specifically, this document reminds stakeholders that only ARTPs and ALAs may deliver SFT courses through distance education (online and hybrid courses). This document has been attached here for your use and will be posted to the SFT website and sent to subscribers of SFT E-News. I have also attached the updated Electronic Delivery application for your use in transitioning courses to a distance learning format.

In light of current events, SFT will be considering approval of applicable Fire Fighter 1 and 2 Academy curriculum, as appropriate. The same standards of quality shall be applied to any portion of the course conducted electronically as are applied to traditional classroom courses.

IMPORTANT: Electronic Delivery requests may be submitted via email directly to Chief Fowler at [email protected] and please cc me on your emails, I will ensure its receipt and expedited processing (it is okay to forego the postal mailing address at this time).

Rest assured, should state services be halted, I will remain accessible via phone and email. My intent is ensure any changes are made with ease for you, the stakeholders of State Fire Training. I appreciate your patience and adaptability, and welcome your correspondence.

Take care and be safe,

Caryn R. Petty, Deputy State Fire Marshal/Paramedic

State Fire Training, Regional Coordinator

The Office of the State Fire Marshal


2251 Harvard Street, Suite 400

Sacramento, CA 95815

(916) 662-0611 mobile

[email protected]

May CFTDA Meeting Has Been Cancelled. We will be sending out updates in May from SFT, STEAC, CARB, CCCCO Public Safety Advisory Committee, and the SFT Steering Committee.

Also, I would like to conduct a poll of who to find out what you all are doing for your Fire Academy Programs. Please email [email protected] to share if you have cancelled your academy or kept it running. Thank you

Hi Everyone,

I asked SFT to give us their stance on COVID19 and mandatory campus transitions to distance education and campus closures. Chief Henning put together very clear language on their expectations for ARTP’s. I also sat through the Public Safety Deans zoom meting this morning. The majority of the participants are keeping their academy programs open during “Tier 2” implementation. When I receive additional information I will discriminate it to you. Do not hesitate to call me at 530-718-4853 if you have questions. Please review the following document: