Sent on behalf of Superintendent/President Dr. Arturo Reyes:

On behalf of the Board of the Trustees and the Academic Senate, I am pleased to announce that Tracy Rickman, former Fire Academy Coordinator, will be honored with the Hayward Award for “Excellence in Education” at the March 2020 Board of Governors meeting in Sacramento.

This award, which is sponsored by the Foundation for California Community Colleges, recognizes community college faculty who demonstrate the highest level of commitment to their students, college and profession on an annual basis. Tracy Rickman was nominated by our Academic Senate for his outstanding service to Río Hondo College for 22 years and his active participation on campus. There are only four (4) award recipients for this prestigious award each year: two full-time and two part-time faculty.

The competition is high as each local Academic Senate can submit a nomination. The nominees from the entire state are then reviewed and selected by a selection committee and ranked on their commitment to: serving and empowering students from diverse background and experiences; campus, professional, and/or student activities; education and currency in their discipline; the mission of the California community colleges and open access; and, the community, state, and/or national activities that represent their profession.

Tracy Rickman was featured in the October 2019 issue of the Focus on Río e-newsletter in October 2019.  In case you missed it, below is a screenshot of the profile where you could read all about his extensive background and contribution to Río Hondo College.  The website links to both the e-newsletter and the news article in the Greenleaf Guardian are also below.

Please join me in congratulating Tracy Rickman!


Dr. Arturo Reyes

Rio Hondo College
3600 Workman Mill Road, Whittier, CA 90601
(562) 908-3403 /FAX (562) 908-3463 | [email protected]



As many of you are aware SFT will soon be adopting changes to FC3 course including requirements for existing instructors to obtain S-404, ICS-300 as well as attend their new 24 hour FSTEP Fire Control course. Because the CFTDA recognized this would create a hardship for many of the ARTP’s, FC3 Cadre Lead Kevin Conant was kind enough to work with us to create a PACE process that was “streamlined” as much possible. To that end, if you have approved FC3 instructors you are using in your academies to fulfill this requirement, you will find enclosed the process to complete the PACE review as well as for copies of the applicable documents you will need to submit. To do so, your FC3 instructor will need to prepare the following documents (samples of most are enclosed):

  1. Applicants cover letter.
  2. A resume
  3. A portfolio of Live Fire Training Instruction
  4. (All Fees Waived per Implementation Plan)
  5. The SFT Instructor Application
  6. A copy of their SFT Acadis Professional History Report (“transcript”) in lieu of copies of their certificates.  If we have it on their Professional History Report then copies of certs are not necessary.

In addition, as the ARTP Director, you will need to prepare a “cover” letter for your instructor, attesting they have met the applicable requirements (Draft FC3 ARTP letter enclosed). Because the fees normally charged for PACE have been waived temporarily, you are encouraged to take advantage of this process sooner rather than later. This will be a discussion item at February’s CFTDA meeting at College of the Desert so please attend if you have questions. Otherwise, you can reach me at [email protected].


Randy Collins, CFTDA STEAC Rep.

Attached is the October 11, 2019 STEAC Meeting Agenda.  The attachments are available to view on this link:

Fire Control 3B – Staff Report and Implementation Plans for the necessary instructor information: